All delegates are asked to register in advance. Registration is by online form only (see foot of page for the link). Please note that this does not necessitate paying at that time. Registrations are manually checked and an invoice sent to delegates including payment instructions. Please pay on receiving the invoice.
Registration includes access to all sessions, tea/coffee during the morning and afternoon breaks, three lunches and a wine reception. The conference dinner is extra, to be booked at the time of registration; as are any excursions you might sign up to later. The dinner will include wine and live music.
Delegates will be given a printed conference programme on arrival.
Rates are as follows:
Non-member: €250 full conference;
Member: €190 full conference;
Student/low waged: €145 full conference;
Wednesday conference dinner: €45
Day rates are €95/75/55 (non-member/member/student). To see when your panel will take place visit the panel
page, where the date and start-times are listed. Calculating on three papers to a panel session you should be
able to establish how long the panel goes on for.
*Early-bird rates ended 30th April, and prices were increased.
Accommodation should be booked separately. See the accommodation page
for details.