Events by the SIEF Francophone Working Group
Food cultures in Europe: everyday words and gestures
3-5 October 2024
The French-speaking working group of the International Society of Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) organized its IVth Conference (jointly with the XXXIVth Conference of the Eurethno Network, a French-speaking network for scientific and technical cooperation in ethnology and European historiography of the Council of Europe) at the West University of Timisoara (Romania). Previous conferences of the French-speaking Working Group mainly focused on festive foods and diet specific to calendar rituals. It seemed interesting to broaden this topic and focus on daily life to compare food cultures on a European scale.
Read the full Call for Papers here
Inégalités. Migrations, crise pandémique et nouvelles inégalités
Proposition XXXIIIème Atelier du réseau Eurethno du Conseil de l'Europe, IIIème Conférence du Groupe de Travail Francophone de la SIEF, Université de Perugia, Italie, 15-16-17 septembre 2022
of Time, Times of the Imaginary”
XXXIInd Workshop of the FER-EURETHNO Network (Council of Europe)
IInd Conference of the SIEF Francophone Working Group
12-14 June 2020, Lodz, Poland
This comparative, self-reflexive and critical workshop would like to deepen the analysis of time and temporalities in Europe, an analysis which had already been undertaken in several previous workshops of the Eurethno network. The focus of this workshop, first based of ethnology and cultural anthropology, is also open to the points of view of other disciplines (history, geography, archaeology, art history, sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, religious studies etc.).
Read the full call here in English
Veuillez lire l'appel complet ici en français
Panel at SIEF2019 14th Congress, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 14-17 April 2019
Changement de cap ou erreur d'aiguillage ? L'ethnologie européenne et le folklore face aux transformations du monde contemporain; convenors Alfonsina Bellio and Inga B. Kuźma
First conference of the Francophone Working Group
Du terrain à l’archive : les archives de folklore et d’ethnologie en tant que pôles de recherche, d’éducation et de culture
14-16 September 2018, Athens
Hellenic Folklore Research Centre
View the full programme here.
See also the conference website
Francophone Working Group
First meeting was held at the SIEF congress in Göttingen, Germany -
March, 2017
Chair: Dr. Laurent Sébastien Fournier
Secretary: Dr. Alfonsina Bellio, GSRL, CNRS, Paris, France
Board member: Inga Kuzma, University of Lodz, Poland
Email: franconetwork(at)
Further details about the meeting will be posted in due course.