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Info for convenors/authors


SIEF requires all accepted panels to be open to paper proposals through the website: panels should not be organised as 'closed' sessions. 

Only one paper per contributor will normally be accepted, but individual paper presenters may, within the constraints of the timetable, also play other roles in the Congress, for example, as convenor, chair or discussant of a panel, or contributor to the workshop programme.

Delegates are not obliged to become members of SIEF for 2013, however all are encouraged to support the Society in this way.  There will be a financial incentive to do so, in that non-members will pay a higher registration fee.

Congress format, submissions and timetable

Following the opening event the programme will run over three full days. Each day of the Congress includes two invited keynote speakers, leading international scholars, who will give a talk, and a series of parallel panel sessions that will discuss selected themes. The Congress comprises sessions with different formats, from the panel sessions with paper presentations, to workshops, intended to open to practice-based research, and poster sessions. There will also be open-topic panels, to accommodate papers that may not fit into the proposed panels.

Workshops are conceptualized as practical events, guided discussions and free-format exchanges leading to specific public outputs. They may include elements of performance, exhibition materials, or interactive media displays.

Poster Sessions
The poster sessions are meant to provide everyone with the opportunity of presenting their work, without overburdening the program, and contemplate those who do not wish to present orally. Posters must confirm to the same basic requirements as outlined for the panel sessions. Sessions will run throughout the Congress, with dedicated slots when poster presenters will be available at their respective display to discuss their topic with the colleagues. Junior scholars are especially encouraged to participate with a poster presentation.

Film Festival
Film submissions are also invited. Films that are not in English should have English subtitles. A call for film presentation will go out with the call for papers. Other films will be selected by the Scientific Committee to take part in the Film Festival.

Editing your paper

Paper authors can use the login link in the toolbar above to edit their proposals. Co-authors cannot be added/removed nor can papers be withdrawn through this environment - please email congress (at)siefhome.org to do this.

Pre-circulation of papers

SIEF has no rule about this; however many convenors are keen to pre-circulate completed papers. To facilitate this and save on email traffic, if requested by convenors, authors can upload PDFs of their papers within the online system, which will then show as a downloadable file beneath their abstract on the public panel page on this site.

Timing of presentations

Each panel/workshop slot will be 90 minutes long, accommodating a maximum of three presenters; each panel/workshop may only extend over three slots, i.e. a maximum of 9 presenters and no longer than a day. The Working Groups of SIEF may organize/sponsor more than one panel each but with different chairs/conveners.

Convenors are free to allocate the time of their sessions as they like. The SIEF norm is to allot each presenter a maximum of 30 minutes (for presentation and questions/discussion), however convenors should let you know about this nearer the conference.

We are unable to represent specific intra-panel timings in our programme. Delegates reading the conference book will have to work on the assumption that papers will be evenly distributed through the panel.

Communication between authors/convenors

Convenor/author email addresses are not shown on the panel pages for anti-spam reasons. However there is an in-built secure email messaging system. If you cannot work that, please email congress(at)siefhome.org to obtain relevant email addresses.

Any queries with the above please email .