Information for publishers
The 11th SIEF congress will bring together nearly 500 experts on anthropology, ethnology and folklore in Tartu, Estonia. SIEF congresses are lively events and the publisher space will be positioned close to the tea/coffee distribution and/or reception desk, ensuring that this will be the space where delegates congregate, linger, and they won't be able to miss your presence. We would encourage publishers to come along and participate.
Marketing options available
Publishers can choose one or more of the following options:
- Single display table (~1.8m x 0.8m) - including abstract book and full access to panels & events. Charge: €300.
- Double display table (~3.6m x 0.8m) - including abstract book and full access to panels & events. Charge: €450.
- Full page portrait advert in conference programme please email
to congress(at) by 17/05/13.
Charge: €160. Specs: 300dpi, black & white TIF, 240mm (h) x 170mm (w) with 3mm bleed. Please keep live text 10mm away from the edge.
Please note:
- we do NOT offer unstaffed displays - experience shows that you do not get to really market your company, but simply lose your stock. We would have to pay a student to mind your stand, so the cost would rise, and while very able, they are not trained in marketing or grounded in your company profile. Come along and meet your client base!
- we do NOT offer insertion of ads/catalogues in delegate packs - experience shows that the clutter in a delegate bag is quickly junked, and rarely into a recylcing bin.. Ads which are printed in our conference book will not be thrown away, and so will have a longer shelf-life; while this will also have environmental benefits.
If interested to book your staff into the conference dinner please email congress(at)
If booking a display table(s), please email the staff names for badge/access purposes.
Email congress(at) to book your presence
Delivery deadline & address
If sending books, etc, please mark all parcels with delivery labels as follows:
SIEF2013 - publisher name
Sille Vadi,
Department of Ethnology,
University of Tartu,
Ülikooli 16-204, 51003 Tartu,
T: +372 737 5654; E: sille.vadi(at)
Publications should not be sent to arrive at this address before 14th June if at all possible
Collections - to ensure your get your books back, please label all your boxes, with your
publisher name in the top left hand corner, and make sure that whoever makes the courier booking ensures that
publisher name is used as a reference in the order.
Collections address & tel: as above
Setting up stalls - Please set up by 10am on Monday 1st July, so that the publisher's display is up and ready for the majority of the conference. If possible, please avoid taking the stand down before the lunchtime on the Wednesday, because this markedly affects the atmosphere of the conference in a negative way. In return, we will make sure that the publisher's stands are at the centre of the action!