The International Society for Ethnology and Folklore—SIEF—is a pluridisciplinary organization centered in the twin fields of ethnology and folklore (E&F) in their various denominations, within the larger family of anthropological and cultural-historical disciplines. Like the fields it represents, SIEF is eclectic and open-minded, promiscuous in its disciplinary relations while keeping faith with its founding values and vision. Global in its origins, today SIEF operates within an institutional context that is concentrated in but not limited to Europe.
The principal mission is to gather scholars from its fields; to provide platforms for critical debate, networking, and exchange; to build infrastructures for intellectual cooperation; to publish and promote excellent scholarship; and to move forward the fields that it represents. SIEF facilitates scholarly exchange in the community of ethnology, folklore and neighboring disciplines, respecting the richness of diverse academic traditions, promoting dialogue and encouraging development. It also serves as a forum for different professional worlds, bringing together researchers, teachers, students, archivists, as well as museum and heritage professionals. Moreover, SIEF takes an active role in a larger community of scholarly societies.
SIEF provides its members with information on the fields and activities of the society and its working groups. Outside its own ranks, the society helps to raise public awareness of the scholarship they bring together and its societal relevance. It encourages the use of ethnological knowledge, skills, and perspectives in society at large to inform public opinion and inspire innovative solutions.
Furthermore, SIEF helps to integrate (post)graduate students and early career scholars into its international fields. It promotes the internationalization of higher education in E&F, facilitating cooperation in higher education with a view to sustaining the strength, diversity, and viability of departments and programs.
SIEF promotes academic freedom and the critical role of scholarship in society. Our fields are nothing if they are not international; the important conversations that take us forward are carried out across national borders. SIEF helps us to have these conversations.
SIEF stands for free and open communication across boundaries, borders, and disciplines. With old divisions reappearing in Europe and beyond, we believe that specialists in Ethnology, Folklore, Anthropology, and related fields, have a duty to highlight lessons of the past and show that, through dialogue, we can reach better understandings of the world and each other.
We encourage you to take up contact with the Secretariat (sief(AT)meertens.knaw.nl), the President (sandberg(AT)hum.ku.dk) or executive board members.
This is an excerpt from the mission statement.