Visual communications from the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore.
SIEF talk on "Culture in Dialogue" - “Heritage at War. Plan and Prepare”

Marking the 70th anniversary of the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, and in the current context of devastating conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan, among others, the book “Heritage at War – Plan and Prepare” brings together military, academic, and heritage practitioners’ voices from across the Euro-Atlantic, North Africa and the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific to explore how lessons learned from past experiences of conflict can inform approaches to the safeguarding of cultural heritage today.
Ethnological Matterings
This series shows a whole gallery of E&F lines of work. In order to raise the awareness of diverse ways in which our fields can be applied, the emphasis is on the diversity of professions in which ethnological and folklorist knowledge and skills come to "matter". View the films.
Ethnological sensations

This portal serves as a resource for teachers, students, and scholars of ethnology, folklore, and related fields - Sensation Station. The films are categorized by theme (from "Body, senses, emotions" to "Rituals and feasts", from "Fieldwork" to "Museums and archives", and from "Houses and homes" to "Migration and mobility", to name just a few). Take a look, try playing with it, and invite your students to do the same (it works on your smartphone too). View this resource.
What is European Ethnology?
Ethnology in three and a half minutes: the
what, the why, the when, and the how.
SIEF presents a short film on European Ethnology.
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What do ethnologists do?
Filmed at the SIEF2017 conference in Göttingen, this three and a half minute long film, entitled 'What do ethnologists do?' comprises SIEF members sharing their views on what distinguishes ethnology from other disciplines, and what ethnologists can actually do to tackle the challenges of the contemporary world. We hope you find the film inspiring and interesting.
Welcome to Brno 2023
A short film advertising the SIEF congress in Brno in 2023.
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Preparations for Santiago de Compostela 2019
A short film on preparations for the next SIEF conference in
Santiago de Compostela in 2019
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Welcome to Göttingen 2017
A short film advertising the SIEF conference in
Göttingen in 2017
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Zagreb Congress Sensation
Let the
sights and sounds in this short film carry you back to the 2015 congress in Zagreb and make you curious about
the SIEF congress in Göttingen in 2017
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Opening Keynote Lecture at SIEF 2015
Watch the opening keynote lecture from Orvar Löfgren in
Zagreb at SIEF 2015
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Jubilee lectures

The illustrious line-up of speakers for the Jubilee Symposium included two of SIEF's ex-presidents, Regina Bendix and Konrad Köstlin, SIEF's official historian Bjarne Rogan, two special invited guests, Jasna Čapo and Orvar Löfgren, the executive vice-president of SIEF Peter Jan Margry and SIEF's president Valdimar Hafstein. We are happy to present to you the video’s of the lectures on this site. View >>