Wayland D. Hand
Wayland D. Hand Prize
The History and Folklore Section of the American Folklore Society awards the Wayland D. Hand Prize for an outstanding book combining historical and folkloristic perspectives.
The Wayland D. Hand Prize for an outstanding book combining folkloristic and historical perspectives.
Call for submissions
The History and Folklore Section of the American Folklore Society has awarded the Wayland D. Hand Prize for an outstanding book that combines historical and folkloristic perspectives on a biennial basis since 2006. Beginning in 2023, the Prize will be awarded annually. A change in the guidelines for the annual Prize is the consideration of books in two categories: (1) single or co-authored book and (2) edited volume(s). A work submitted for consideration would have been published between June 1, 2022, and May 31, 2023. Submissions can be from authors or publishers. Submit three copies or a single PDF file of the ebook for judges on or before June 1, 2023 to: Simon J. Bronner, Dean of the College of General Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,1500 North University Drive, Waukesha, WI 53188, bronners(at)uwm.edu.
The prize honors Wayland D. Hand (1907-1986) who as president of the American Folklore Society (AFS) and in his teaching and scholarship encouraged the integration of historical and folkloristic research. The winner of the Wayland D. Hand Prize in each category will receive 200 USD and an accolade from the AFS. The prize-winning book will be publicized at the annual meeting of the American Folklore Society in October and receive notice in the pages of the Folklore Historian, the annual publication of the History and Folklore Section of the AFS. For a list of previous winners of the Hand Prize, see here.
For more information, contact Dean Simon J. Bronner at bronners(at)uwm.edu.