Working Group on Archives
Working Group on Archives
The SIEF Working Group on Archives announces, in collaboration with Samla, the last webinar in the Spring webinar series. Furthermore, the WG announces the conference “Turning the Wheel: Access to Archives - Tradition and Variation”.
Folklore Archives Webinar Series
The SIEF Working Group on Archives has continued collaborating with SAMLA (https://samla.w.uib.no/about-samla/) on a series of webinars. All webinars are recorded and made available through the WGoA YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@siefworkinggrouponarchives4385
The spring webinars included:
Febuary 22, 2023: "Community-Centered Models for Musical Folklore Projects: The Kiselgof-Makonovetsky Digital Manuscript Project and the Klezmer Archive Project"by Christina Crowder,Executive Director, the Klezmer Institute, NY.
March 22, 2023: "The University Folklore Archives: Institutional or Community Resource?"by Katherine Borland, Professor & Director of the Center for Folklore Studies & Department of Comparative Studies and Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth, Archivist & Visiting Assistant Professor at the Centre of Folklore Studies at the Ohio State University.
Spring webinar still to come:
10th of MAY at 18:00 CET
'From tradition to tablet: Constructing a database of Norwegian skilling ballads'
Siv Gøril Brantzæg
Associate Professor Department of Language and Literature, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Zoom: https://achva-ac-il.zoom.us/j/86853106323
Conference "Turning the Wheel: Access to Archives - Tradition and Variation"
The Section on University and Research Institution Archives of the International Council on Archives(ICA-SUV) in collaboration with theWorking Group on Archives of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore(SIEF WGoA) are pleased to join efforts in organizing an in-person conference on May 29-31, 2023 in Dublin, Ireland, to be hosted by the University College Dublin. The theme of the conference is: "Turning the Wheel: Access to Archives - Tradition and Variation." The conference will explore different aspects of archival practice in university and research institution archives, and will specifically address archival users and innovative archival practices aimed at providing access to archival materials. The conference program and registration information are available here: https://www.ica.org/en/suv-conference-2023-0