Working Group on Historical Approaches in Cultural Analysis
The WG announces the conference Reimagining Europe: De-colonizing Historical Imaginaries, Disciplinary Narratives in Folklore and Ethnology and Beyond and the Interim Meeting taking place from 13th-14th June 2024 in Marburg, Germany and hybrid. It also presents a conference report on the online conference Doing Histories, Imagining Futures held in December 2023.
Conference and interim meeting announcement
“Reimagining Europe: De-colonizing Historical Imaginaries, Disciplinary Narratives in Folklore and Ethnology and Beyond”
13th-14th June 2024; Marburg, Germany and online
The SIEF Working Group Historical Approaches in Cultural Analysis is organizing its conference Reimagining Europe: De-colonizing Historical Imaginaries, Disciplinary Narratives in Folklore and Ethnology and Beyond and its Working Group Interim Meeting between 13-14 June 2024 in Marburg, Germany as a hybrid event. The conference is jointly organized and supported by SIEF and the Herder Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung. More information can be found at the HACA events page with an update on the conference program soon.

Philipps University of Marburg.
Conference report
“Doing Histories, Imagining Futures”
4th-7th December 2023; online
The First International Conference of the Histories of Anthropologies, titled Doing Histories, Imagining Futures, was held online from December 4-7, 2023. The conference was supported by the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) and was organized by the History of Anthropolgy Network (HOAN) conveners Fabiana Dimpflmeier and Hande Birkalan-Gedik.
As the first event of this kind, the conference allowed historians of anthropologies from around the world to meet with one another, share their personal and disciplinary experiences, and enhance their ability to address current debates in anthropology. The conference provide participants with an open and friendly environment to discuss the state of the art in the histories of anthropologies and closely examine theories, methodologies, and teaching approaches as well as to discuss the ethical contributions of our research to current and future anthropological practices. As global historians of anthropologies, we aim to foster ethical relationships among anthropologists, encourage wider participation of scholars from the Global South, and support the research of emerging scholars.
The conference brought together several key stakeholders in the field of histories of anthropologies, including SIEF with its Working Group - Historical Approaches to Cultural Analysis.
Convened by Hande Birkalan-Gedik, Susanne Österlund-Pötzsch, and Katre Kikas, the Panel Disciplinary Histories and Archives in Anthropology, Folklore, and Oral History: Actors, Formats, and Mediality in Knowledge Production took place in two sessions on Monday, 4 December 2023. The papers can been screened here: https://www.easaonline.org/networks/hoan/hoaic/hoaic2023.shtml
The paper abstracts are available at https://www.easaonline.org/networks/hoan/hoiac/panels/Panel2.pdf
Hande Birkalan-Gedik