Anthropology of Kinship
Anthropology of Kinship – award winning paper at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Annual Conference and General Assembly
For her talk Making Kin with or Without Shared Genetic Ancestry in European Prehistory, Dr. Sabina Cveček received the best lightning talk award in the section Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Career Development, Sustainable Research Practice, and Science Policy at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Annual Conference.
The Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) is a community that brings together members of all career stages from all scientific disciplines. It encourages networking and collaboration across disciplines, making the MCAA a forum of debate between researchers and a wider society. This year, the Marie Curie Alumni Association Annual Conference and General Assembly took place at the University of Milano-Bicocca in Milan, Italy in March 2024.
The conference panels addressed a wide variety of topics, including the sustainability of research culture and researchers’ careers, science diplomacy, science communication, and how to draft a narrative CV, among others.
Dr. Sabina Cveček, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois, attended the MCAA annual conference in two roles. First, as a MCAA North America Board Member and the Midwest Coordinator. Second, as an anthropologist. She promoted the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration between socio-cultural anthropology, archaeology, and archaeogenetics on topics such as kinship. She is exploring prehistoric kinship from socio-cultural anthropological perspectives in her Marie Curie-funded X-KIN project with which she is based at the Field Museum in Chicago until October 2025.
For her talk titled “Making Kin with or Without Shared Genetic Ancestry in European Prehistory,” Cveček received the best lightning talk award in the section Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Career Development, Sustainable Research Practice, and Science Policy. If you are curious to learn more about “Why Kinship still needs anthropologists in the 21st century”, read Cveček’s article recently published in Anthropology Today or an interview with her titled “Dialog als Schlüssel zur Urgescichte, [Dialogue as the Key to Prehistory],” conducted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Sabina Cveček presenting her award-winning lightning talk in Milan (Photo: Joaquín Capablo).