SIEF Newsletter Vol 22 No 1 (Spring 2024)
Table of contents
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1. Letter of the President

Marie Sandberg announces SIEF2025 in Aberdeen and the launch of the SIEF Series in Ethnology and Folklore: New Directions in the Study of Everyday Life, Past and Present with Berghahn Books. Sandberg also introduces the new SIEF working group on Cultural Perspectives on Education and Learning.
2. SIEF Series in Ethnology and Folklore: New Directions in the Study of Everyday Life, Past and Present and Call for a Series co-editor

SIEF announces the launch of the SIEF Series in Ethnology and Folklore: New Directions in the Study of Everyday Life, Past and Present with Berghahn Books in 2024 and calls for a second co-editor to join the editorial team.
3. New Working Group: Working Group on Cultural Perspectives on Education and Learning

The new Working Group on Cultural Perspectives on Education and Learning introduces itself.
4. Working Group on Cultural Perspectives on Education and Learning

The WG welcomes you to its first seminar taking place online on 31st May: Mapping the field – Ethnologists, anthropologists and folklorists in education and learning.
5. Working Group on Archives

There is now a recording available of the conference held in celebration of the 10th year anniversary of the WG. The conference was themed: Turning the Wheel: Access to Archives - Tradition and Variation
6. Joint message from Archives and Cultural Heritage and Property Working Groups

The WGs announce the jointly organised hybrid conference Archives of Traditional Culture: 100 + 10, which will be held 29th-31st October in Riga, Latvia and online.
7. Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Property

The working group provides an overview of recent and future events and publications that members are involved in or have contributed to.
8. Working Group in Feminist Approaches to Ethnology and Folklore

The WG announces their joint workshop (in-person) and interim meeting (hybrid) in Hólmavík, Iceland from 23rd-25th August 2024. The theme of the workshop is ‘“Woman” on the Edge’.
The Wg also shares an open-invite to join bi-monthly Zoom reading sessions.
9. Working Group on Historical Approaches in Cultural Analysis

The WG announces the conference Reimagining Europe: De-colonizing Historical Imaginaries, Disciplinary Narratives in Folklore and Ethnology and Beyond and the Interim Meeting taking place from 13th-14th June 2024 in Marburg, Germany and hybrid. It also presents a conference report on the online conference Doing Histories, Imagining Futures held in December 2023.
10. Working Group on The Ritual Year

The WG reflects on ongoing seasonal webinars, and shares a link to the online recordings. The WG also celebrates the own 20th year anniversary and the birthdays of the scholars Mare Kõiva and Jurij Fijfak. The WG announces a CfP for the Food, Feasts, Festivities and Folklore Conference – deadline July 14th.
11. Working Group on Space-lore and Place-lore

The WG announces a CfP for the Lost Places and Abandoned Landscapes conference taking place from 29th-30th October 2024 in Szeged, Hungary. Deadline is 1st July.
12. ICH and UNESCO

The UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Public and Global Governance at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw has been established on 14th March 2024.
13. New Research Network Announcement: Folklore Without Borders

Invitation to join the new Folklore without Borders research network. The UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council have funded this network aiming to embed greater equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within UK folklore.
14. Fellowships at Intercultural Institute of Comparative Music Studies, Venice

The Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice has issued a new call for applications addressed to PhDs and postdocs for two-month residential fellowships dedicated to interdisciplinary research projects relevant to materials held in the archives of the Foundation and Venice.
Deadline for application is 30th June 2024.
15. Anthropology of Kinship – award winning paper at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Annual Conference and General Assembly

For her talk Making Kin with or Without Shared Genetic Ancestry in European Prehistory, Dr. Sabina Cveček received the best lightning talk award in the section Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Career Development, Sustainable Research Practice, and Science Policy at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Annual Conference.

For information about conferences and workshops see the PDF of the SIEF Newsletter.
Making it Home: Re-Configuring Migrant Homemaking Together; Re-writing (against) Culture. Ethnographic Writing in Educational Ethnography: Practices, Approaches, Innovations, and Positionings; Ethnography and Experience; Knowing the Vernacular: Critical Reflections and Future Directions; NEFK 2025: Nordic 2.0 and beyond.
17. SIEF Journals

Published: Cultural Analysis 22.1 (2024).
Call for ongoing submissions Cultural Analysis Forum Series on Pandemics & Politics.
Forthcoming: Ethnologia Europaea’s 54.1 (2024)
Announcement: changes in Ethnologia Europaea’s editorship and the journal has moved to Berghahn publishers

For information about calls for publications see the PDF of the SIEF newsletter.