Working Group on Cultural Perspectives on Education and Learning
The WG welcomes you to its first seminar taking place online on 31st May: Mapping the field – Ethnologists, anthropologists and folklorists in education and learning.
Seminar announcement
“Mapping the field – Ethnologists, anthropologists and folklorists in education and learning”
31st May 2024, 1:00-3:00 PM CET; Digital on Zoom
Deadline for registration: 24th May 2024
The SIEF Working Group Cultural Perspectives on Education and Learning is welcoming you to its first seminar. The main idea of the seminar is to map the field and get a better view of ethnological, anthropological, and folkloristic research on education and learning, both within formal education such as schools, pre-schools and higher education, and within informal education taking place for instance in museums, archives and organizations.
The seminar will take place on Zoom. It will start with a short introduction of the new working group. The participants will then be given the opportunity to in groups present their own experiences as ethnologists/anthropologists/folklorists within the field of education and learning, with the aim of getting to know each other and sharing experiences, interests and expertise. The discussions will include questions such as: How does ethnological/anthropological/folkloristic research contribute to the field of education and learning? What are the most important (potential) research issues related to education and learning in the various national and local contexts we belong to? How can we strengthen our positions and competencies through this new working group?
All participants are expected to prepare a short (3 minutes) presentation of their own experiences, expertise and position as scholars within the field and say something about the role of anthropological/ethnological/folkloristic research on education and learning in their own local/national contexts.
In the next seminar of the working group, in the autumn 2024, we plan to further discuss the role and contribution of ethnologists, anthropologists and folklorists as educators in various settings, such as teacher education, museums and archives etc.
Please send an email to the working group secretary Nadine Wagener-Böck, wagener(at)volkskunde.uni-kiel.de, by May 24th if you want to participate in the seminar. You will then receive the Zoom-link.
Maria Zackariasson, co-chair
Erika Lundell, co-chair
Nadine Wagener-Böck, secretary