Francophone Working Group
The WG announces the proceedings of the conference ‘Inequalities. Migrations, pandemic crisis and new inequalities‘
Proceedings just published!
IIIrd Conference of the French-speaking Working Group of SIEF (XXXIIIrd Workshop of the Eurethno Network of the Council of Europe) “Inequalities. Migrations, pandemic crisis and new inequalities”, University of Perugia, Italy, September 15–17, 2022.
As announced in the Autumn 2022 SIEF Newsletter, this conference focused on various challenges the social sciences face today: migration crisis, crisis of democracies, increase in social inequalities, dimensions that have been exacerbated by the Covid19 pandemic crisis, which has called into question the order and rules of social life.
The contributions were distributed in 4 panels:
• Inequality and migration
• New research tools
• Metropolitan Legends
• Post-pandemic anthropology
The proceedings of this conference (in French and Italian) have been published online in Italy by the journal EtnoAntropologia, which is the official journal of the Italian Society for Cultural Anthropology. All contents are accessible free of charge by this link.
The Francophone WG is grateful to SIEF for its support in the organization of this conference!