SIEF Newsletter Vol 21 No 2 (Autumn 2023)
Table of contents
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1. Letter of the President

Marie Sandberg announces SIEF’s statement ‘Stop the Violence and Return to Dialogue’. She looks back on the 16th SIEF Congress in Brno in June 2023, and she welcomes two new Board members: Daniela Salvucci and Hande Birkalan-Gedik.
2. Reflections on SIEF2023 Congress

Local Committee chair Jiri Woitsch, Petr Drastil, one of the congress volunteers, and the curators of the audiovisual program Michal Pavlásek, Pavel Borecký and Jaroslava Panáková reflect on the SIEF2023.
3. DEI Workshop ‘Dark Histories ’of Europe an Ethnologies and Folklore Studies

Teresa Eastman from the University of Mainz reports about the DEI Workshop on 22 September 2023.
4. SIEF Summer School 2024

We are looking forward to the SIEF Summer School 2024 which will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, in September 2024. We will get back to you concerning the concrete dates, the theme and the way how to apply.
5. Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Property

Members of the working group, along with other SIEF members, are actively involved in the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and the celebration of its 20th anniversary. The WG announces upcoming conferences.
6. Working Group Feminist Approaches

The WG announces the Call for Papers for the SIEF WG in Feminist Approaches Interim Meeting in Hólmavík, Iceland, 23-25 August 2024. The WG regularly hosts reading and discussion meetings on Zoom. SIEF members are invited to join.
7. Working Group on Food Research

The WG announces the Call for Papers for its 24th International Ethnological Food Research Conference in Budapest, Hungary, 18-20 September 2024. The conference theme is ‘Living Eating Habits, Revitalized Foodways and the Concepts of Tradition and Food Heritage’.
8. Francophone Working Group

The WG announces the proceedings of the conference ‘Inequalities. Migrations, pandemic crisis and new inequalities‘
9. Working Group on the Ritual Year

The WG reports on the conference ‘Mediating differences through food memory: Several approaches on Regional Cultural Identity’ and announces new books.
10. Immanuel-Kant-Scholarship

The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) awards the Immanuel-Kant-Scholarship for doctoral students who wish to conduct research concerning the history and culture of Germans in Eastern Europe.
11. International Master in Museums, Heritage and Education

A new international master program (Erasmus Mundus) in museums, heritage and education welcomes scholarship applications. The program is an initiative of the Universities of Glasgow, Tartu, Malta and the Radboud University Nijmegen.
12. Professorship in the Field of Materialities and Material Cultures

Cultural Analysis vol. 21.1 (2023) and Ethnologia Europaea vol. 52, issue 1 (2022) have been published. In addition, Cultural Analysis has started the Forum Series: Cultural Analysis Forum Series 1: Pandemics & Politics.
13. Conferences and workshops

For information about conferences and workshops see the PDF of the SIEF Newsletter.
(Mapping Gen der Struggles. Gender as Fiel d of Conflict in Contemporary Social Movements; Heritage on the Margins; Advancing Research Communication. The role of Humanities in the Digital Era; Academia and cultural production as post migrant fields in Sweden; XII Finnish Ethnology Days: Research Voices and Practices; Settlement and Dispossession Entangled; Folk Art in the 21st Century; EASA 2024; The Agency of the Dead in the Lives of Individuals. Experience of Individuals and Conceptualization; Archives of Tradition al Culture: 100 + 10)
14. Reports

For reports on conferences see the PDF of the SIEF Newsletter.
(FEECA23: Cultivating Connection, Creativity and Community; Archive Festival 2023; ‘Folkligt skrivande [Rural Writing] 1750–1950’; 12th International Conference of Young Folklorists)
16. New issues of the SIEF Journals

Forthcoming: Cultural Analysis, 21:2 (2023): Approaching climate change adaptation: knowledge, power, communication; Ethnologia Europaea, 53:2 (2023): Digital Truth-Making: Anthropological Perspectives on Right-Wing Politics and Social Media in 'Post-Truth' Societies