The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) awards the Immanuel-Kant-Scholarship for doctoral students who wish to conduct research concerning the history and culture of Germans in Eastern Europe.
By the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).
Since 1986 the Immanuel-Kant-Scholarship for doctoral students is awarded to those who wish to conduct research concerning the history and culture of Germans in Eastern Europe and/or the mutual relationships between Germans in the east and their neighboring peoples.
It is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM). The Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE) is responsible for the organization of the scholarships.
Immanuel-Kant-Conference for Scholarship Holders
Every year the Immanuel-Kant-Conference for scholarship holders provides a forum for the young researchers to present and discuss their research results. The conference papers will be published on the institute’s website.
What will be funded?
Doctoral projects dealing with the history and culture of the Germans in Eastern Europe and related issues, especially concerning their mutual relationships with neighboring peoples.
Regional focus areas
Silesia, Eastern Brandenburg, Pomeranian, East and West Prussia in modern Poland and Russia; earlier and current-day settlement areas of Germans in Eastern, Eastern-Central and South-Eastern Europe, primarily in Estonia, Kazakhstan, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Serbia, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary and Romania.
Who is eligible to apply?
Candidates must show evidence of academic excellence to expand the current state of research in the field. Applications will be accepted from German and international applicants, and from university lecturers responsible for students at a German university.
A basic scholarship of € 1550,- per month is granted for a period of two years. There may be additional funding on a discretionary basis (family allowance and/or study abroad).
Selection committee
An interdisciplinary academic selection committee appointed by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) is responsible for the awarding of the Immanuel-Kant Scholarship.
Application deadline and beginning of the scholarship
The application deadline is December 31, 2023. The scholarship period begins on July 1, 2024. Quarterly payments will occur after this date. (Scholarships are subject to availability of funds.)
What kind of information needs to be submitted?
Applicants should provide:
• CV and academic transcripts, graduation certificates
• Research proposal (topic, research question, literature review, aims and objectives, time schedule)
• Acceptance letter from a University in Germany (Cotutelle procedure)
• Letters of recommendation by supervisors
Applications should be submitted as pdf-files via email: bkge@bkge.bund.de.
For more information see here.
How to contact us
Dr. Cornelia Eisler
Office of the Immanuel-Kant-Scholarship at the Federal Institute for Culture and History
of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE)
Johann-Justus-Weg 147 a
26127 Oldenburg
Tel. +49 (0)441/961 95-0
Email: bkge@bkge.bund.de