Call SIEF Young Scholar Prize 2023
Invitation to young scholars to submit articles or book chapters to compete for the Young Scholar Prize 2023.
The prize is awarded for journal articles or independent book chapters (not from monographs such as dissertations) based on original research and published in refereed publications in the three years preceding the next SIEF congress.
The next prize will be presented in 2023. It will be awarded to a refereed article and chapter published in 2020, 2021, 2022. Works that are still in press will not be considered, but their authors are encouraged to submit them for the next prize once they are published. The article or book chapter should be written in English. Publications written by two co-authors will be accepted, however, both should be young scholars.
For the purposes of the prize, young scholars are defined as scholars who completed their PhD degree 4 calendar years or less before the publication date. Scholars who are not members of SIEF are welcome to join the society before submitting.
Submissions (your article or book chapter and a short CV) should be sent to sief(at)meertens.knaw.nl no later than 1 December 2022.