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Stop the Violence and Return to Dialogue - SIEF Executive Committee statement

SIEF unreservedly condemns the terrorist actions of Hamas on 7 October 2023 that resulted with the killings, abduction, and abuse of mostly Israeli civilians, as well as those of other nations. We call on the international community to do all it can to bring about the return of all abductees and hostages to their homes and families.

We condemn all civilian killings and atrocities, Palestinian and Israeli, and call on the international community to ensure that there are no attacks on civilians – systematic or otherwise – by any side and that military codes be strictly and clearly enforced.

SIEF, an international organization that promotes cultural understandings, stands firmly with Israeli and Palestinian peace activists and others seeking for a solution through dialogue to this long and bloody conflict. The world needs a peaceful agreement that respects the humanity of both nations, their ongoing cultural, social, and emotional needs, and their rich, often shared, cultural heritage.

In the face of ongoing atrocities, we urge the international community to use all its power and influence to realize a sustainable two-state solution, where Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace, committing to sustaining such a solution into the future.

Our deepest thoughts go to all victims and their families, friends, and neighbors, and we extend our solidarity to colleagues and students across the region.

The Executive Committee of SIEF

SIEF is an international organization with a 1200+ membership base that facilitates and stimulates scholarly exchange in the community of Ethnology, Folklore, Cultural anthropology, and adjoining fields in the name of human understanding.