SIEF2021 15th Congress
Helsinki, Finland
19-24 June 2021
Breaking the rules? Power, participation, transgression
SIEF2021 - Audio/visual programme
< SIEF2021 Thematic structure Grid List
Convenors: Anna Lisa Ramella (University of Cologne), Roger Norum (University of Oulu)
Audio/Visual Programme Selection Committee: Peter Crawford (University of Tromsø), Tom Dubois (University of Wisconsin Madison), Lotta Petronella (Independent filmmaker), Itsushi Kawase (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka), Steffen Köhn (Freie Universität Berlin), Andy Lawrence (University of Manchester and, Fabian Lüke (University of Cologne), Moira Marklewitz (University of Cologne), Martin Saxer (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich), Anna-Céline Schäfer (University of Cologne), Theo Zerries (University of Cologne)
SESSION: Mediating Empowerment
Tuesday 22 June
Roundtable discussion on this topic: 16:15-18:00
Unreal Boys

Three young men in Tokyo explore the limits of fantasy through the Japanese comic genre shota, which features young boys in sexual situations. We follow an aspiring artist who wants to “live in a fantasy forever”, a youtuber who records his interactions with a shota game, and a manga artist driven by nostalgia. This film tries to capture a relatively unknown and controversial phenomenon, which outside of Japan would break both moral and legal rules. Through participant observation and sensorial methods, the filmmaker attempts an embodied understanding of the experience of engaging with shota. Located in the blurred gap between fictional and actual realities, the film evokes important questions about ethics, identity, and mental health. Unreal Boys is based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork and forms part of a master’s thesis in Visual and Media Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin.
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