SIEF2021 15th Congress
Helsinki, Finland
19-24 June 2021
Breaking the rules? Power, participation, transgression
SIEF2021 - Audio/visual programme
< SIEF2021 Thematic structure Grid List
Convenors: Anna Lisa Ramella (University of Cologne), Roger Norum (University of Oulu)
Audio/Visual Programme Selection Committee: Peter Crawford (University of Tromsø), Tom Dubois (University of Wisconsin Madison), Lotta Petronella (Independent filmmaker), Itsushi Kawase (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka), Steffen Köhn (Freie Universität Berlin), Andy Lawrence (University of Manchester and, Fabian Lüke (University of Cologne), Moira Marklewitz (University of Cologne), Martin Saxer (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich), Anna-Céline Schäfer (University of Cologne), Theo Zerries (University of Cologne)
SESSION: Mediating Empowerment
Tuesday 22 June
Roundtable discussion on this topic: 16:15-18:00

In this documentary film some of the female and male youth who took part in an experimental research project on competing norms surrounding sexual and reproductive health in Ethiopia, reflect on what they have learned from their participation. My rationale for involving urban and rural, female and male secondary school students (aged 15-22) in the production and dissemination of arts- and action-research-inspired research-based edutainment dramas, was that youth cannot wait for our research to be published. They need to be involved now! Through the edutainment drama, Choices & Consequences, Part 1-4, on love, contraceptive use and abortion, and which transgress the general silence surrounding sexuality in this context, I wanted to create an enabling environment for youth to acquire correct reproductive health information as well as encourage reflection. The dramas also generated data on gender norms and sexuality when discussion them with students, parents, teachers, health workers and religious leaders.
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