SIEF2021 15th Congress
Helsinki, Finland
19-24 June 2021
Breaking the rules? Power, participation, transgression
SIEF2021 - Audio/visual programme
< SIEF2021 Thematic structure Grid List
Convenors: Anna Lisa Ramella (University of Cologne), Roger Norum (University of Oulu)
Audio/Visual Programme Selection Committee: Peter Crawford (University of Tromsø), Tom Dubois (University of Wisconsin Madison), Lotta Petronella (Independent filmmaker), Itsushi Kawase (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka), Steffen Köhn (Freie Universität Berlin), Andy Lawrence (University of Manchester and, Fabian Lüke (University of Cologne), Moira Marklewitz (University of Cologne), Martin Saxer (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich), Anna-Céline Schäfer (University of Cologne), Theo Zerries (University of Cologne)
SESSION: Showing the Invisible
Wednesday 23 June
Roundtable discussion on this topic: 14:00-15:45
Forensic Landscapes

Forensic Landscapes takes us to explore an imaginary but nevertheless real territory shaped by landscapes and bodies - that of disappeared and deshumanized people but also by the living bodies of affected families and forensic anthropologists, that defy the black hole of disappearance in Latin America. It displays a series of animated landscapes that contain over short 20 video-essays, each one revealing a different layer of what is claimed as 'forensic resistance': from the vernacular forensics in contemporary Mexico that challenge the power of state and science, to the forensic labs where we meet some of the pioneers in human rights forensics in countries such as Argentina and Guatemala. We learn how they reconstruct bodies, how they deal with death and how they manage to turn bones back into people. And it also takes us to explore the phantasms of justice, the limbo of social indifference and to the power of poetic action. Forensic Landscapes is the final destination of an extended multisited research journey that the director initiated some years ago, and was elaborated in collaboration with Mexican transmedia artists.