SIEF2021 15th Congress
Helsinki, Finland
19-24 June 2021
Breaking the rules? Power, participation, transgression
SIEF2021 - Audio/visual programme
< SIEF2021 Thematic structure Grid List
Convenors: Anna Lisa Ramella (University of Cologne), Roger Norum (University of Oulu)
Audio/Visual Programme Selection Committee: Peter Crawford (University of Tromsø), Tom Dubois (University of Wisconsin Madison), Lotta Petronella (Independent filmmaker), Itsushi Kawase (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka), Steffen Köhn (Freie Universität Berlin), Andy Lawrence (University of Manchester and, Fabian Lüke (University of Cologne), Moira Marklewitz (University of Cologne), Martin Saxer (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich), Anna-Céline Schäfer (University of Cologne), Theo Zerries (University of Cologne)
SESSION: Countering Ascriptions
Tuesday 22 June
Roundtable discussion on this topic: 14:00-15:45
Active (citizen)

An intimate look at the life and work of a Roma refugee from Kosovo collecting trash on the streets of Novi Sad, Serbia, 'Active (citizen)' is a visual ethnography focused on the material, sensorial and kinaesthetic realities of the protagonist’s work and its political and social significance – the daily activism beyond the scope of public recognition. The film is part of a larger visual project on the ‘invisible activism’ of ethnic minorities and migrants who engage in causes beyond those important to their own community. Such activism is invisible because it happens outside any minority or migrant community structures (typical point of access for researchers and media) and because at times it takes forms which comparing to the activism of those who can afford more grand forms of engagement it seems insignificant. The film approaches the question of affordability of activism as it is conceptualised by middle-class academics and activists.
Delegate-only link: