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SIEF2025 17th Congress: Aberdeen, Scotland: June 3–6 2025
Theme: Unwriting


SIEF2023 16th Congress: Brno, Czech Republic: 7-10 June 2023
Theme: Living Uncertainty


SIEF2021 15th Congress: Helsinki, Finland 19-24 June 2021
Theme: Breaking the rules? Power, participation, transgression

SIEF2019SIEF2019 14th Congress: Santiago de Compostela, Spain 14-17 April 2019
Theme: Track Changes: Reflecting on a Transforming World

SIEF2017 13th Congress: Göttingen, Germany 26-30 March 2017
Theme: Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft - Creativity

SIEF2015 12th Congress: Zagreb, 21-25 June 2015
Theme: Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century

SIEF201311th Congress: Tartu, Estonia, 30 June - 4 July, 2013
Theme: Circulation

SIEF2011 10th Congress: Lisbon, 18-21 April 2011
Theme: People make places

SIEF20089th Congress: Derry / Londonderry (UK), 16-20 June 2008
Theme: Liberating the Ethnological Imagination


SIEF20048th Congress: Marseille, 26 - 30 April 2004
Theme: Among Others. Conflict and Encounters in Europe and the Mediterranean
Publication: Online document available (PDF, 1.4Mb)

SIEF20017th Congress: Budapest, 23 - 28 April 2001
Theme: Times, Places, Passages
Publication: Attila Palàdi-Kovàcs (ed.). Times Places Passages. Ethnological approaches in the New Millennium. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2004 (738 pp.) [selected papers]

SIEF19986th Congress: Amsterdam, 20 - 25 April 1998
Theme: Roots and Rituals. Managing Ethnicity
Publications: Katriina Siivonen, ‘Ethnicity in Amsterdam. 6th Conference of the SIEF, 20-25 April 1998’. Ethnologia Scandinavica 1999, pp. 125-128.
Regina Bendix & Herman Roodenburg, Managing ethnicity. Perspectives from folklore studies, history and anthropology. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 2000 (205 pp.) [texts plenary lectures].
Ton Dekker e.a. (eds), Roots & Rituals. The construction of ethnic identities. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 2000 (808 pp.) [selected papers]

SIEF19945th Congress: Vienna, 12 - 16 September 1994
Theme: Ethnisierung von Kultur(en)
Publication: Renée Valeri, ‘5th International SIEF Congress in Vienna, September 12-16 1994’. Ethnologia Scandinavica 1995, pp. 135-37.

SIEF19904th Congress: Bergen, 19 - 23 June 1990
Theme : Tradition and Modernisation
Publications: Nils-Arvid Bringéus, ‘Thoughts at the end of the conference’. Newsletter Nordic Institute of Folklore 3/4 (1990) pp. 16-22.
Martii Junnonaho, ‘4th SIEF congress’. Newsletter Nordic Institute of Folklore 3/4 (1990) pp. 13-15
Birgitta Svensson, ‘Tradition and Modernisation. Fourth congress of SIEF, 19-23 June, 1990, Bergen, Norway’. Ethnologia Scandinavica 1991, pp. 149-152.
Ueli Gyr, ‘Volkskunde zwischen Tradition und Modernisierung. Rückblicke auf den 4. Internationalen Kongress der SIEF’. schweizerischen Archiv für Volkskunde 87 (1991) pp. 1-4.

SIEF19873rd Congress: Zürich, 8 - 12 April 1987
Theme: The Life cycle
Publications: Gullan Gerward, ‘The Life Cycle. SIEF's Third Congress, april 8-12, 1987, Zürich, Switzerland’. Ethnologia Scandinavica 1987, pp. 157-161.
J. van Haver, ‘SIEF-congres in Zürich’. Volkskunde  88 (1987) p.226-227.
‘Al III-lea congres al Societatii Internationale de Etnologie si Folclor’. Revista de etnografie si folclor 33 (1988) pp. 116-119.

2nd Congress: Suzdal (USSR), 30 September - 6 October 1982
Theme: none
Publications: Nils-Arvid Bringéus, ‘The Second Congress of the International Society for European Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) in Suzdal, USSR’. Ethnologia Scandinavica 1982, pp. 149-50.
Alexander Fenton, ‘The Second Congress of the International Society for European Ethnology and Folklore. 30 September - 6 October 1982’. Ethnologia Europaea vol. XIII, 2, pp. 237-238.

SIEF19711st Congress: Paris, 24 - 28 August 1971
Theme: Ethnologie européenne
Publication: ‘Premier Congrès International d’Ethnologie Européenne’, Bulletin linguistique et ethnologique de l’institut Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg fasc. 18, 1972, pp. 87-99. Actes du premier congrès international d'ethnologie européenne. Paris - août 1971 (SIEF). Paris: Editions G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1973. 

Establishing SIEF: Athens, September 1964
The transformation of CIAP into SIEF and 1st General Assembly; no congress organized.